Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Ok.... after a long break here is a song called ‘Tanha lamho me’. ’ThumpiKinnaram’,was a song originally done in Malyalam, sung by Gayatri and Jesudas, music director Deepak Dev.
I fell in love with this song when I heard it; actually Pradip Somsundaran was the one responsible for it. I started thinking, what can I do to get this song in Hindi? I approached Ajay; and immediately taking no longer than five minutes Ajay had the first couple of lines written for me. Ajay, you have done an amazing job!
Jo is my partner in crime. I do not need to say anything about Jo, as almost all of you know him and his wonderful voice.Please listen to it on Jo’s blog.
Hope you enjoy it…..It’s good to be back :)



Kaunquest said...

Swati.. its not Telugu.. its Malayalam

On a musical note said...

Thank you Ajay ....:D

anil bs said...

hello ji...

vvvvvvvvvvvery....vvvvvvvvvvvvvvery.....nice....no words...is deepak dev heard this ? if no.... pls send me the song i will send to him....

anil bs

സാല്‍ജോҐsaljo said...

I heard the song.
appreciate your voice and the entire team.

Harshan said...

Swati ... you have a very sweet voice Great job with this song.

Kunal said...

I can't believe it's you who have sung this. If that's really true, it's absolutely amazing..Fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Nice but Swati's voice sounds ruff and not smooth ..did you have a sore throat when u sung it? It sounds scratchy.

Jo sounds awesome as always !!!

George said...

I heard this song on www.muziboo.com Joseph had posted it. I must say I've become a fan. You've got a divine voice! Great job!!

-George (www.soundclick.com/georgekuruvilla)