Saturday, March 13, 2010

’Ruk jaa Aai Hawa’....Just messing around

No, do not want to call it a ‘remix’ ,‘re-arranged’ or ‘deranged’. Don’t want to be caught in the ‘Technical' term mumbo jumbo…..
Here is a song that we always loved, and wanted to be creative. Ali’s creative mind at work has made him produce this track. Can you guess which movie the starting dialogue is taken from????

Vocals: Swati & Ali
Arranged/Produced: Ali Parvez


Unknown said...

This is so to listen!! I can't make out that it is you singing!


Abhishek said...

Just fantastic ! This remix is great. have been listening to it a lot lately ...

Unknown said...

Ali and Swati - way to go. Very nice arrangement and singing.